Hello there!

Welcome to my Online CV.

I have created this to be able to create a clearer image of my life journey, of the skills I learned and the content I have created.

Also, to give myself a boost of confidence and help myself be an observer of my path, to set goals and directions that make sense.

A brief about me

My name is Bety-Ecaterina Hapău and I am a programmer.

I thought a lot about my career and about my purpose and nothing resonates as good as being a programmer.
I began to give it a new meaning, another interpretation that fits better and can be used outside of the software development world.

Throughout my life I learned that I love to program experiences.
I can program things in many ways – I could write some code and create a software, I could design a product or I could create workshops that help people reprogram their lives. The forms of programming are many, but the essence stays the same.

Being a programmer brings me empowerment because it implies that I am a creator. 
I have power over my actions and choices, I design the experiences and then I make them happen.

I have multiple areas of interest, but I do have 3 favorites!

Personal Development

Generating Product Ideas

Software Engineering

You can learn more about my journey..

Browse projects I created, skills I learned and companies I worked at.

Projects I


Skills I



I worked at